Nature Of Sicily

The Sicilian Nature

In Sicily there are sharp and sudden changes in morphology and climate from one part of the island to the next. This has given rise to an extraordinarily rich and luxuriant flora, ranging from the subtropical to species more typical of Northern Europe.

The flora of Sicily is remarkable for its diversity, 3000 species of different plants can be found here, 10% of which are endemic. Vineyards, olives and citrus trees (lemons, mandarins, ciders, oranges) are found throughout the island.

Various species of plants grow naturally, such as dwarf palm, myrtle, carob, sumac, mastic, oleander, and euphorbia. In the driest parts plants such as palm (though the fruit rarely ripens), cardoon, agave and prickly pear are to be found. Almond trees, hibiscus, mimosa, bougainvillea, jasmine and caper add unforgettable colours and perfumes to the Sicilian landscape.

Sicily has four large National Parks, the most famous of which is Mount Etna, several Nature Reserves, Marine Protected areas and wetlands. These reserves are home to species such as vanessa butterflies, wildcats, foxes, porcupines, martens, golden eagle, falcons, lizards and green woodpeckers. The marshy coastline around Trapani is populated by flamingoes.

Regional natural parksIl Lago Maulazzo del Parco dei Nebrodi

Parco delle Madonie

Regional natural parks

Natural Reserves

Riserva Naturale dello Zingaro

Natural reserves

Marine Reserves

Marine reserves


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