Course for Teachers of Italian L2

Italian Course for Teachers in Sicily

Italian Language Courses
for Teachers

As lovers of the Italian language we have taken to heart not only the spread of our language but also of the culture and history of our country.

For this reason we have planned a series of courses for non-native teachers of Italian as a foreign language. The aim of these courses is not only to improve and widen their knowledge of the structures of the language and teaching methods, but also to help teachers to have a better knowledge of the diverse aspects of our country.

Corsi per Insegnanti IT L2

As lovers of the Italian language we have taken to heart not only the spread of our language but also of the culture and history of our country.

For this reason we have planned a series of courses for non-native teachers of Italian as a foreign language. The aim of these courses is not only to improve and widen their knowledge of the structures of the language and teaching methods, but also to help teachers to have a better knowledge of the diverse aspects of our country.

Erasmus+ and LLP (Lifelong Learning Programme)

There is funding available for the courses for teachers of Italian as a second language from the Erasmus+programme and LLP aimed at encouraging Strategic Partnerships in the area of language teaching and learning, promoting language learning and linguistic diversity and favouring multilinguism in the EU countries, making mobility more efficient and effective and improving learning performance.

Grants are available to help existing or aspiring language teachers from primary and secondary schools as well as university teachers, or teachers of other subjects required to teach in Italian, to follow accredited training courses abroad.

Teachers can not apply for grants invidually, but must apply through their school, university or organisation. For more detailed information about the grant eligibility criteria: Erasmus + Programme Guide

  • Your school, university or organisation needs to register as an applicant organisation on the ECAS, European Commission Authentication Service,. if not already registered, and obtain the Participation Code (PIC). The request for the grant can be made, once obtained the PIC number.
  • Choose the course you would like to apply for contact us indicating the course you would like to attend and the dates of the course we will email you a letter of confirm with the course dates and fees and the detalied course programme.
  • Hand out the documents to your school, university or organisation. The documents must be attached to the grant application.
  • Inform us as soon as you receive the result of your grant application. Only at that moment we can definetely confirm your partecipation in the requested course. You are kindly requested to inform us even if the funding is not granted.

For any detailed information, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to provide all information needed:

enrolment at culturforum

Learn Italian in Sicily.

Send your request info and we will be happy to get back to you asap.